Monday, August 11, 2008

2008 Johnson Reunion at Tippy

The 2008 Johnson reunion has come and gone all too quickly. Precious moments were filled by four generations. Treasured memories of past lake gatherings from as far back as the thirties were shared around the beach fire. There were stories, laughs, tears, and both warm and sad moments. We all toasted and recalled fond memories of Marcia.

There were hugs and kisses and the good natured poking of fun. We all enjoyed wonderful food as families each took a meal to prepare and serve. We delighted in conversations, late nights around the fire, very late miniature golf at our neighbor’s, sleepy mornings, lazy times outside in the sun, and the usual teasing and pranks. Some people just never grow up.

The first night, Friday, we gathered ‘round the fire until Mike finally arrived after midnight. It was around two when we finally left the beach and headed for bed.

Everyone was here except Mike’s crew. He was the only one that could make it. Deb had the largest contingent with Jeffrey, Moira, and Kelan along with David and Audrey.
The usual tent city sprung up in our front yard.
Saturday we gathered for the obligatory group photo taken by a friendly neighbor.

Of course, Saturday night we had another beach fire gathering under a gorgeous, star-filled sky. Jupiter shone brightly to the south and we watched the first quarter moon descend from high in the sky until disappearing in the trees on the south-western shore.

Then there was the four generation photo. Kelan had been asleep,
but awoke just as the photo was taken.
Of course we had to get one of the new grandma and her grandson.

And how about this one of Kelan and his great granddad?
We had August birthdays to celebrate including greetings to Aunt Bobbie.
The youngest of one generation, Chantel, watches as the oldest of the next generation bathes in the kitchen sink.

That brought back memories to me of other babies bathed in the sink at the old cottage.

Like all good things, reunions end with the parting as families all head for home with words of encouragement for next year’s reunion. The last to leave, Deb, DD, and Mindy share parting words with Daphne.
After everyone had gone Daphne and I walked out to the road to place the full trash barrels for Monday pickup. Looking back at the yard now empty of visiting vehicles we found this lonely and forlorn little reminder of those who had come and gone leaving this bright token behind.

Happy Trails to all!

Ho and Daphne


At 8:40 AM, Blogger Diana said...

What a wonderful portfolio of memories...thank you dad for putting that together. I am still recovering from my late night putt-putt and star gazing with the 20 year olds... However, I would not have missed it! David A., Audrey & I saw the BIGGEST shooting star ever!! Like you said, it went way too fast. When I got to the close of your blog and saw that little rubber made me smile & cry at the same time. I'd have to vote baby Kelan as the main entertainment of the weekend. Love to you all, DeeDee


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